Membership Rules
Membership of the Institute is open to all Defence Officers residing in Tri-City Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.
Permanent Members
Serving Permanent Regular Commissioned Officers.
Retired/Released Commissioned Officers drawing pension from Government, who are residents of Tri-City.
Associate Members
Commissioned Officers not drawing Pension from MoD.
Spouses of a Defence Services Officer after member’s demise.
Institutional Members
All members of Army, Air Force and Naval Officers' Messes posted in Tricity will become members of the Institute for the duration of their posting.
Temporary Members
Temporary Membership will be granted only for a period of six months on case to case basis.
Reciprocal Members
Members of KOI Chandimandir and other institutes in the country who have an arrangement with DSOI Chandigarh can utilize the facilities.
Casual Members
Any Defence Officer, serving or retired, on production of his proof of Identity, may be allowed to use the facilities as a casual member.